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How to Work with Millennials & Generation Z

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These articles are a must-read for anyone who wants to work with Millennials or Gen Z. Bob Klein and Karen DeMasters' MarketWatch articles are worth reading, as were John Curry's piece on CAPTRUST and LPL’s NestWise's recent addition of 10 advisors. These articles will give you some tips on working with these generations and ensuring that you're able to provide them with the best financial advice possible.

Bob Klein's MarketWatch article

Although Bob Klein's MarketWatch article was spot-on, it is important that you remember to consider many things when hiring a financial adviser. He points out the many benefits of working with an advisor who is familiar with your needs. However, it's possible to fall prey to the same mistakes as if you hire the wrong person. The rule of thumb is that advisors should be at least 20 years old to be able and willing to assist you.

John Curry's CAPTRUST article

John Curry (CAPTRUST Chief Market Officer) spoke about VESTED magazine's future plans during a recent interview. Curry shared how the company reinvests half of its annual profits. The company's strategy also includes the creation of an interactive retirement readiness tool. Modernizing its backoffice technology will allow clients to have a smoother experience. This strategy also aims to move everything to the cloud.

LPL's NestWise's signing of 10 advisors

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LPL purchased Veritat in the last year and the company was rapidly gaining momentum. Recently, a press release announced that 10 new advisors were being hired across three regional offices. Investors speculated that the new startup would be hot after it received positive marks in its progress reports. Bloomberg was able to invest in a similar venture. It seemed like there was a movement.

John Curry, CEO of CAPTRUST, wrote the article

CAPTRUST's business model and sophistication are worth the effort. The brokerage industry is still struggling to keep up with CAPTRUST. CAPTRUST is a business model that relies on its ability scale. Other wirehouses are struggling to do the same. The firm has grown from just 28 financial advisors in 2007 to 78 today. The firm has grown its asset base from $22 million to more that $85 billion.


Do I need to invest in real estate?

Real Estate Investments are great because they help generate Passive Income. They do require significant upfront capital.

Real estate may not be the right choice if you want fast returns.

Instead, consider putting your money into dividend-paying stocks. These stocks pay monthly dividends which you can reinvested to increase earnings.

Which investments should I make to grow my money?

It's important to know exactly what you intend to do. How can you expect to make money if your goals are not clear?

It is important to generate income from multiple sources. This way if one source fails, another can take its place.

Money doesn't just magically appear in your life. It takes planning and hardwork. To reap the rewards of your hard work and planning, you need to plan ahead.

Which fund is best for beginners?

When investing, the most important thing is to make sure you only do what you're best at. FXCM, an online broker, can help you trade forex. They offer free training and support, which is essential if you want to learn how to trade successfully.

If you are not confident enough to use an electronic broker, then you should look for a local branch where you can meet trader face to face. You can ask questions directly and get a better understanding of trading.

The next step would be to choose a platform to trade on. CFD platforms and Forex are two options traders often have trouble choosing. It's true that both types of trading involve speculation. However, Forex has some advantages over CFDs because it involves actual currency exchange, while CFDs simply track the price movements of a stock without actually exchanging currencies.

Forecasting future trends is easier with Forex than CFDs.

But remember that Forex is highly volatile and can be risky. For this reason, traders often prefer to stick with CFDs.

To sum up, we recommend starting off with Forex but once you get comfortable with it, move on to CFDs.

Should I diversify the portfolio?

Many believe diversification is key to success in investing.

Financial advisors often advise that you spread your risk over different asset types so that no one type of security is too vulnerable.

This approach is not always successful. Spreading your bets can help you lose more.

As an example, let's say you have $10,000 invested across three asset classes: stocks, commodities and bonds.

Suppose that the market falls sharply and the value of each asset drops by 50%.

There is still $3,500 remaining. If you kept everything in one place, however, you would still have $1,750.

So, in reality, you could lose twice as much money as if you had just put all your eggs into one basket!

It is essential to keep things simple. Do not take on more risk than you are capable of handling.

What are the types of investments you can make?

There are four main types: equity, debt, real property, and cash.

You are required to repay debts at a later point. This is often used to finance large projects like factories and houses. Equity can be described as when you buy shares of a company. Real estate means you have land or buildings. Cash is what you have on hand right now.

When you invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other securities, you become part owner of the business. Share in the profits or losses.

How do I know when I'm ready to retire.

First, think about when you'd like to retire.

Is there an age that you want to be?

Or, would you prefer to live your life to the fullest?

Once you have set a goal date, it is time to determine how much money you will need to live comfortably.

Then you need to determine how much income you need to support yourself through retirement.

You must also calculate how much money you have left before running out.


  • Some traders typically risk 2-5% of their capital based on any particular trade. (investopedia.com)
  • 0.25% management fee $0 $500 Free career counseling plus loan discounts with a qualifying deposit Up to 1 year of free management with a qualifying deposit Get a $50 customer bonus when you fund your first taxable Investment Account (nerdwallet.com)
  • According to the Federal Reserve of St. Louis, only about half of millennials (those born from 1981-1996) are invested in the stock market. (schwab.com)
  • Most banks offer CDs at a return of less than 2% per year, which is not even enough to keep up with inflation. (ruleoneinvesting.com)

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How To

How to invest in stocks

Investing can be one of the best ways to make some extra money. It is also considered one the best ways of making passive income. There are many ways to make passive income, as long as you have capital. It is up to you to know where to look, and what to do. This article will help you get started investing in the stock exchange.

Stocks can be described as shares in the ownership of companies. There are two types of stocks; common stocks and preferred stocks. Prefer stocks are private stocks, and common stocks can be traded on the stock exchange. The stock exchange allows public companies to trade their shares. The company's future prospects, earnings, and assets are the key factors in determining their price. Investors buy stocks because they want to earn profits from them. This is known as speculation.

Three main steps are involved in stock buying. First, you must decide whether to invest in individual stocks or mutual fund shares. Second, select the type and amount of investment vehicle. Third, you should decide how much money is needed.

You can choose to buy individual stocks or mutual funds

Mutual funds may be a better option for those who are just starting out. These are professionally managed portfolios that contain several stocks. Consider the level of risk that you are willing to accept when investing in mutual funds. Some mutual funds carry greater risks than others. If you are new to investments, you might want to keep your money in low-risk funds until you become familiar with the markets.

You should do your research about the companies you wish to invest in, if you prefer to do so individually. Be sure to check whether the stock has seen a recent price increase before purchasing. Do not buy stock at lower prices only to see its price rise.

Select Your Investment Vehicle

After you've made a decision about whether you want individual stocks or mutual fund investments, you need to pick an investment vehicle. An investment vehicle is simply another method of managing your money. For example, you could put your money into a bank account and pay monthly interest. You could also establish a brokerage and sell individual stock.

You can also set up a self-directed IRA (Individual Retirement Account), which allows you to invest directly in stocks. Self-directed IRAs can be set up in the same way as 401(k), but you can limit how much money you contribute.

The best investment vehicle for you depends on your specific needs. You may want to diversify your portfolio or focus on one stock. Do you want stability or growth potential in your portfolio? How comfortable are you with managing your own finances?

All investors should have access information about their accounts, according to the IRS. To learn more about this requirement, visit www.irs.gov/investor/pubs/instructionsforindividualinvestors/index.html#id235800.

Determine How Much Money Should Be Invested

Before you can start investing, you need to determine how much of your income will be allocated to investments. You have the option to set aside 5 percent of your total earnings or up to 100 percent. Depending on your goals, the amount you choose to set aside will vary.

If you're just starting to save money for retirement, you might be uncomfortable committing too much to investments. For those who expect to retire in the next five years, it may be a good idea to allocate 50 percent to investments.

You need to keep in mind that your return on investment will be affected by how much money you invest. Consider your long-term financial plan before you decide what percentage of your income should be invested in investments.


How to Work with Millennials & Generation Z